Members Formation Track
I. Initiation
A. Brotherhood Christian Life Program (BCLP)
a. Module 1 – Basic Truths about Christianity (4 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Who Is Jesus Christ?
2. Talk 2: What is God Like?
3. Talk 3: The Power of the Holy Spirit
4. Talk 4: Repentance and Faith
b. Module 2 – The Authentic Christian (6 Talks)
1. Talk 5a: Praising and Raising of Hands
2. Talk 5b: Loving God and Neighbor
3. Talk 6a: Vocal Prayers
4. Talk 6b: The Christian Family
5. Talk 7: The Christian in the Marketplace
6. Talk 8: Life in the Holy Spirit
c. Module 3 – Living A Spirit Filled Christian Life (4 Talks)
1. Baptism of the Holy Spirit
2. Talk 9: Growing in Relationship with the Lord
3. Talk 10: Faith and Guidance
4. Talk 11: Entering the BCBP Way of Life
d. Module 4 – The BCBP Way of Life (Culture Talks) (5 Talks)
1. Talk 12: Prayer, Scripture and Spiritual Gifts
2. Talk 13: Speech and Wrongdoing
3. Talk 14: Tithing
4. Talk 15: Guidelines for Business Dealings Between Members of the BCBP
5. Talk 16: Submission to Authority
B. Basic Formation
a. Free to Follow the Lord
b. Christian Marriage Retreat
c. Christians in Business Retreat (6 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Business As A Vocation From Good
2. Talk 2: God’s Plan For Your Business / Livelihood
3. Talk 3: Proper Attitude Towards Wealth & Money
4. Talk 4: The Role Of The Christian Boss And Employee
5. Talk 5: Relating To Stakeholders In The Marketplace
Optional Talk: Business Decisions According To God's Will; Discernment
6. Talk 6: Building Our Businesses And Professions For God
d. Brotherhood Way of Life Retreat
II. Continuing Formation
A. In Faith and Spiritual Life
a. The BCBP Spirituality (4 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Christian Spirituality and Our Spirituality
2. Talk 2: Christian Truth and Spirituality
3. Talk 3: Spirituality Lived Within the Church
4. Talk 4: Our Spirituality as a Specific Call and Charism
b. Praying with Scriptures (4 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Praying with the Bible
2. Talk 2: Toward Growth In the Spiritual Life
3. Talk 3: Learning Meditative Prayer
4. Talk 4: Final Considerations
c. Praying with Others
d. Catholicism Series (DVD) (10 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Amazed and Afraid: Jesus Both God and Human
2. Talk 2: Happy Are We: The Teachings of Jesus
3. Talk 3: The Ineffable Mystery of God: That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be Thought
4. Talk 4: Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast: Mary, the Mother of God
5. Talk 3: The Indispensable Men: Peter, Paul and the Missionary Adventure
6. Talk 3: A Body Both Suffering and Glorious: The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church
7. Talk 3: Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven: The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist
8. Talk 3: A Vast Company of Witnesses: The Communion of Saints
9. Talk 3: The Fire of His Love: Prayer and the Life of the Spirit
10. Talk 3: World Without End: The Last Things
B. In Christian Character & Christian Living
a. The Christian and His Emotions (6 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Introduction
2. Talk 2: Christian Love and Human Desires
3. Talk 3: True and False Humility
4. Talk 4: Guilt and Repentance
5. Talk 5: Righteous and Unrighteous Anger
6. Talk 6: Fear, Faith and Fight
b. Christian Personal Relationships (5 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Relationships Today
2. Talk 2: Loving One Another
3. Talk 3: Correction
4. Talk 4: Working Out Conflicts in Relationships
5. Talk 5: Relations Outside the BCBP
c. Training on Spiritual Gifts (5 Talks)
1. Talk 1: What are Spiritual Gifts
2. Talk 2: Gift of Healing
3. Talk 3: Gift of Prophecy
4. Talk 4: Gift of Praise and Tongues
5. Talk 5: Discernment of Spirits
d. Fruits of the Holy Spirit (5 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Love
2. Talk 2: Joy and Peace
3. Talk 3: Patience
4. Talk 4: Kindness, Goodness and Faithfulness
5. Talk 5: Meekness and Self-Control
e. Basic Christian Morality (11 Talks)
1. Talk 1 - Scripture / New Testament Morality
2. Talk 2 - Murder
3. Talk 3 - Adultery
4. Talk 4 - Stealing
5. Talk 5 - Lying
6. Talk 6 - Honor Parents
7. Talk 7 - Attributes of God
8. Talk 8 - Honoring God
9. Talk 9 - Honoring God’s Name
10. Talk 10 - Remembering the Sabbath
11. Talk 11 - Loving God
f. Christian Service Series (3 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Personal Scripture Reflection
2. Talk 2: The Character Qualities of the Christian Servant
3. Talk 3: Equipped with God’s Power for Spiritual Warfare
g. Evangelization Program Series (5 Talks)
1. Talk 1: What is Evangelization
2. Talk 2: The Great Commission
3. Talk 3: Breakfast Testimony
4. Talk 4: The Types of Evangelization and the Types we do in the BCBP
5. Talk 5: Selective Evangelization
h. Steward Leaders Training *
i. Joy of Discovery / Joy of Teaching Discovery *
C. As Christian Spouses and Parents
a. Christian Marriage Course (for Completion)
b. Christian Parenting Course (14 Talks)
a. Module 1 – Building a Sanctuary (3 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Mind Map
2. Talk 2: Orientation
3. Talk 3: Building a Sanctuary
b. Module 2 – Compassionate Discipline (3 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Mind Map
2. Talk 2: Parenting Styles (Mini-Talk)
3. Talk 3: Compassionate Discipline
c. Module 3 – Knowing Me, Knowing You (3 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Mind Map
2. Talk 2: Parenting Milestones
3. Talk 3: Love Languages (Mini-Talk)
d. Module 4 – Tell Me More (5 Talks)
1. Talk 1: Mind Map
2. Talk 2: Don’t Have Conversations (Mini-Talk)
3. Talk 3: How to Listen: “Tell Me More”
4. Talk 4: How to Talk: “i” Message” (Workshop)
5. Talk 5: When it is not just for FB [Social Media] (Mini Talk)
c. Following Christ as a Single Person**
D. as Christian Business Leaders
a. The Vocation of the Christian Business Leader**
b. Working Toward Inclusive Economic Development**
c. Working Toward Creating Meaningful Work**
d. Working Toward establishing Honesty and Integrity in our Business**
III. Leadership Development
A. Action Group Leaders
a. Action Group Leaders’ Training (3 Talks)
b. Pastoral Care Workshop (3 Talks)
c. DLDW (7 Talks)
d. Spiritual formation for comm unity leaders (LUMKO)
B. Chapter Head’s Training
a. Chapter Head On-Boarding
a. Module 1 Called Out of Love For a Mission
b. Module 2 Pastoral Care and the Pastoral Plan
c. Module 3 - Leadership Best Practices
d. Module 4 - Off Boarding
b. National Leaders’ Training
● Breakfast
● Prayer Assembly
● BCLP**
c. Community Manual / BOT Manual Training/ Cascade
C. Regional Council Director’s Training
a. RCD OnBoarding
D. Breakfast Evangelization Team
a. The Breakfast (its purpose & structure)
b. The Breakfast Team
c. Team Meetings, Planning & Evaluation
E. The BCLP Evangelization Team
a. Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare
b. Nature & Purpose of the BCLP
c. Role of the Leader & Team Members
d. Team Meetings
e. One on One Meetings
f. How to conduct Discussion Group Meetings
g. Praying for Baptism in the Holy Spirit